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Ittay Takomi

Indutrial designer 
and toy inventor

My proffesional activity is focused in two fields, product design and development and inventions for the toy industry.

In over 20 years of working as an industrial designer for leading companies in Israel and worldwide I have gained vast experience in design and development of products. Most of my experience is focused on developing products that pack a lot of technology and translating this technology using design tools for simple and friendly use.

In the first years of my career I worked as an Industrial designer for worldwide companies such as  Verifone where I honed my skills working shoulder to shoulder with mechanical engineers, elctronics engineers, marketing, and production. all these years in the industry taught me the needs of big organizations and hands on experience in design of technological products.

During the last years, I found the joy of inventing and designing for the toy industry where the focus can be less technological and more about user experience and pure fun!

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